

September - May
Classes Wednesdays at 6:30p.m.-7:30 p.m.

Students begin confirmation studies in 7th grade and continue until October of 9th grade. They are then confirmed on Reformation Sunday. Classes follow a two year cycle, with one year being the Bible year and the next year is our Lutheran year. The Bible year is designed to help the students find things and read in their Bibles. They will engage in conversations about the stories in both Testaments. The Lutheran year is designed to help the students engage with Luther's Small Catechism and see it as a tool to use in their day to day lives.
At the end of the second year the students will be required to write a Faith Statement which should answer the questions: Who is God? Who is Jesus? Who is the Holy Spirit? And why do they matter? Statements will be read at a small gathering of students and their families prior to Confirmation Sunday. Confirmation Sunday is the last Sunday in October, which is also Reformation Sunday. There is a meeting each year before Confirmation begins for students and parents to outline the requirements for the upcoming year. Some of these include attendance and participation in all classes, completion of Sermon Notes, and all other assignments during the year.


Children's Education

September - May
Classes Wednesdays at 6:30p.m.-7:30 p.m.

For any child age 4 through 6 th grade. Children's Education is designed to give the children the opportunity to hear the stories in the Bible. The stories coincide with the gospel text assigned for the upcoming Sunday. The pastor tells the children the story and then they do follow up activities in their classrooms. Toward the end of their time together they practice singing. The children sing once per month during Sunday morning worship. Children's education shares the gospel story of Jesus' birth one Sunday in December when they tell the Christmas story.
In the summer the children have an opportunity to join us for a fun filled week of Vacation Bible School This typically occurs toward the beginning of August and runs from Sunday evening through Thursday evening. On Thursday the children do a program of what they have learned for their family and friends. All are welcome!


When families or an individual request baptism for themselves or for a child the pastor provides a class to review its meaning and significance. The baptism ceremony is part of our worship, and a community celebration for all.

Adult Education

During the year there are opportunities for all adults in the congregation to gather and do some study. These opportunities have included reading the Bible, Book Club, Adult studies on Faith, and Lutheran 101. These education opportunities occur typically for an hour to an hour and a half, twice per month in the evening. Daytime classes have also been offered.